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Thursday, 14 April 2022

Cameo’s Contemporary Twist

Cameo’s Contemporary Twist

It has “crossed” the centuries, bringing traditions and cultures from distant eras to the modern day. We are talking about cameo jewellery; miniature works of art that tell fascinating stories of the past.

Worn as a symbol of status by men and women since ancient times, cameos display engraved motifs ranging from ancient mythological scenes to religious iconography, Renaissance art and official portraits. A tradition that is now coming back in fashion, thanks to the contribution of brands able to interpret them in a contemporary key, transforming a classic into a new must-have.

From Cameo Italiano, which renews the style through Neapolitan savoir-faire, the result of combining innovation and the artistic work of master engravers, to Cameo & Beyond, which designs its pieces in London but produces them in Venice, always in the name of Italian tradition; and finally brands such as Hemmerle, Amedeo and Bahina, which push the limits of creativity, giving us mini sculptures depicting surprising subjects.

Antonella Reina, Editor VO+

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